Dr. Scott Rubinstein

Dr. Scott Rubinstein, a native of Chicago, completed his orthopaedic residency in Milwauke He then went to Edinburgh, Scotland, where he was fellowship trained in Nottinghamd, England, and Basle, Switzerland. Upon his return to the United States, he was fellowship trained in reconstructive hand surgery in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

Dr. Rubinstein has practiced on the North Side of Chicago and maintains offices in Lincoln Park and downtown Chicago.


Orthopaedic and Rehabilitation Center August 1991- October 19955616 North Western Avenue

Chicago Orthopaedic and Sports Medicine, S.C. October 1995- February 1997

104 S. Michigan Avenue, #316 Chicago, Illinois 60603
Midwest Orthopaedics 2860 N. Broadway, Suite 202 February 1997- Present Chicago, Illinois 60657


International Medical Corps December 1989 Peshawar, Pakista Served as the screening officer for the McCullom Flights This is an U.S. Aid project that provides reconstructive surger for War injured Afghan refugees.

Fellowship in Adult Reconstructive and Spine Surgery January-June 1990
Princess Margaret Rose Orthopaedic Hospital 
Edinburgh, Scotland

AO-ASIF Trauma Fellowship
Nottingham, U.K. July 1990
Basel, Switzerland August 1990 

Hand Surgery Fellowship January 1991-1992
Blodgett Memorial Medical Center
Grand Rapids, Michigan


Rush Medical College Student Government:
Representative 1979-80, 1981-83
Vice President 1982-83
Alumni Association Liaison 1982-83

Rush Medical College Alumni Association 
Class Agent Class of 1983

Resurrection Health Care- St. Joseph Hospital
Vice President Medical Staff 2004-2005
Secretary Treasurer 2002-2003


Under Helmut F. Cascorbi M.D. Ph.D.
At Case Western Reserve University 1977-1979

  1. Development and Construction of a closed circuit anesthesia system for rodents.
    This was then used to study the toxic effects of halogenated anesthetic gases.

  2. Study of the effectiveness of different scavenging systems for waste anesthetic gases.

With James Stiehl M.D. At Medical College of Wisconsin In Progress

MRI Study of asymptomatic chronic steroid users to evaluate the incidence of avascular Necrosis of the hips.

With Peter J. Abernathy FRCS At Princess Margaret Rose Orthopaedic Hospital Data Collected

Restrospective review of fifty-two patients who underwent Souter Total Elbow Replacement.


Manaster B.J., Mann R.J., Rubinstein S.A., Wrist Pain: Correlation of Clinical and Plain Film Findings with Arthographic Results.
J. Hand Surgery. 1989:14A:466-73
Presented at the Annual Meeting: American Society for Surgery of the Hand


AO-Basic Trauma Course
Colorado Springs, Colorado March 1987

AO-Trauma Advanced Course
Davos, Switzerland December 1988

Table Instructor: AO-ASIF operating room personnel course
Milwaukee, Wisconsin July 9-10, 1989
Nottingham, England July 26-28, 1990

Annual Meeting American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons

  • Las Vegas, Nevada February 1989
  • Anaheim, California March 1991
  • San Francisco, California February 1993
  • New Orleans, Louisiana February 1994
  • Orlando, Florida February 1995
  • Atlanta, Georgia February 1996
  • Orlando, Florida March 2000
  • San Francisco, California March 2001
  • Dallas, Texas February 2002
  • New Orleans, Louisiana February 2003
  • San Francisco, California March 2004