Douglas Squire-Bilateral BHR’s Rt. 6/17/13,Lt. 12/5/13 Dr. Rogerson
“Prior to bilateral hip resurfacing my hips were hurting and in constant pain. I was uncomfortable sleeping. It was challenging to get in and out of the truck and hard to drive. Kneeling down to plant a tree was miserable which made being an arborist very challenging. Now 6 months out from my most recent BHR hip resurfacing I CAN DO IT ALL! Douglas Squire-Rogerson - (Bilateral BHR’s: Rt. 6/17/13, Lt. 12/5/13) People were so great at Stoughton Hospital. They provided me with good, attentive care. The admitting nurse even visited me in the room 24 hours later! That demonstrates a caring person. HipHab is the best laid out rehab program. It was absolutely the secret to rebounding so quickly. The concept of warm water pool and land rehab plus staying in the privacy of an apartment aided in my rapid healing. I would not change anything of the program. I highly recommend Dr. Rogerson for hip resurfacing surgery and his comprehensive HipHab program!”