Patient Articles
Proper Use of a Cane by Alan Ray
A single, normal human step doesn™t seem like it would be much of a load on feet and joints (ankles, knees, hips). In truth, every step brings a load of three times body weight. In my case, at 200 pounds, every step was a load of 600 pounds on a failed hip. I learned this from a fellow Belgian hippy (Deborah Page) who did body work and had access to medical texts. The information on loading comes on one orthopedic textbook chapter she sent before we had surgery.
Learning to Walk by Alan Ray
Walking is one of those things that, by the time we get to be adults, we forget how hard it was to learn. Until we have to re-learn it. The mechanics shared here come from Dr. Koen De Smet™s former and surpassingly gifted physical therapist Marc Martens.
Dee Grider Biomet May 23, 2012 Dr. Gross
There has been some recent confusion about different types of surgical anesthesia.
Bone In-Growth by Michael Broder, M.D.
I am Radiologist, and have been a member of the Surface Hippy Message board since 2002. Over the years we have had numerous members, especially young active athletes, who have accidentally injured their prosthetic hip. Nuclear Medicine bone scans reveal metabolic activity (new bone growth) persisting for up to 2 years in adults over 30 who sustain fractures, or have had joint prosthetics. The reason is simple.
Running - Post Op Performance Running by Cory Foulk
I love to run. I have run my whole life. During the Ultraman World™s this year, the winner, Alessandro Ribeiro, of Brazil , said that he had been running since he was six. He was never more comfortable than when he was running, he said. We all understood that. Hard or easy, it doesn’t matter to me. I am never more comfortable than when I am running.
Trekking Poles by Ann Caviness
After having my left hip resurfaced in July 2007, for my recovery I focused on PT exercises, water walking and exercises, and swimming. I also gradually increased my regular walking. I went from two crutches to one crutch, to a cane, to nothing, then to one trekking pole for trails with steep inclines and loose rocks. I was reluctant to use two trekking poles, because I really didn™t know how to use them, and they reminded me too much of using crutches.
Jogging & Returning to Impact Sports by Cory Foulk
Studies show that men who jog at least once a week have roughly 5% denser bones than men who don't jog but are otherwise active. This could be a chicken or the egg thing; whether the men who naturally take to jogging have denser bones to start, or if the jogging itself causes density changes. What is important here is that a runner will have a different presentation than a non-runner when undergoing a surgical correction like a BHR.
Anesthesia by Michael Broder, M.D.
There has been some recent confusion about different types of surgical anesthesia. This is a summary of information which I hope is helpful. Orthopedic and other surgeons generally work with an anesthesiologist, a specialist in Perioperative Medicine. This is care of a patient prior to, during and after surgery.
Dental and Antibiotics by Michael Broder, M.D.
The human mouth contains a great number of very dangerous bacteria. The problem is that these can get into the blood stream with oral infections, or oral when surgery (including teeth cleaning) is performed.
Bone Densitometry - DEXA scans by Michael Broder, MD
DEXA (Dual Energy X-RAY Absorptiometry) compares the relative transmission of two different low energy xray beams through an area of bone in order to calculate the approximate amount of calcium present in bone. Bone densitometry is actually NOT an imaging technique. The images are low resolution, and are just used for positioning so that the data can be collected, and compared to a database of test individuals which the manufacturer of the machine has developed.