Ask the Doctors
Driving a Car after surgery? Return to Work?
You should not drive a manual car for six weeks following surgery because it is considered that the reaction times of your legs do not return to normal before this. However, if you drive an automatic car and it is your left hip which has been operated on you may drive at three weeks.
Bone Ingrowth
For the socket, I believe it takes 3 to 6 months before the bone is fully grown onto the implant. I believe the femoral bone is something that continually remodels, since it is alive. I believe that it is weaker initially after surgery, but strengthens with gradual activity, to the point that it is probably strong enough for impact activity at 6 months.
Gluteus Max Tendon - Released? Reattached?
The upper part of the gluteus maximus tendon should be released in all but the very lax females to take the compression pressure off the sciatic nerve when the leg is maximally internally rotated to expose the head when using the posterior approach.
Angle Placement of Resurfacing Components
Thanks for sending the x-rays of Patient X who has high metal ion levels. I am not surprised that there is an epidemic.
AVN post resurfacing, What can cause it to occur
What can cause AVN AFTER having had your hip resurfaced? The notch is certainly one of the most important causes of postop collapse. Strangely some of them do escape. However it is certainly not a good idea to notch.
NCP Technique and ROM
NCP (Neck Capsule Preservation) Techique and ROM (Range of Motion). Some doctors are telling patients that preserving the neck capsule will cause the hip to have less ROM. Can you tell me if this is true?
Joint Space Narrowing & Hip Resurfacing By Dr. Vijay Bose
Arthritis in any joint starts off with inflammation of the cartilage covering of the articulating surfaces. This can usually be managed with drugs. Then there is cartilage loss which is seen in x-rays as joint space narrowing.
Advantages of a Hip Resurfacing Over a THR by Dr. Vijay Bose
Hip resurfacing is a technique invented specifically for younger patients with hip problems. Conventional Total hip replacement, while being a good option for an elderly person (above 70yrs) is a poor choice for young patients as it will fail rapidly.
Neck Capsule Preserving Approach by Dr. Vijay Bose
There are of course many views and opinions amongst surgeons regarding the best approach and what to preserve during the surgical approach. Failures in resurfacing which occurs due to faulty approaches and vascularity issue
AVN by Dr. Vijay Bose
Dr. Bose on what he does unique for his AVN cases. Here is a direct quote from him on why he feels they are achieving so much success in AVN cases.
Birmingham Hip Resurfacing has FDA approval
Dr. Rogerson is among the first surgeons in this country and the first in Wisconsin to provide patients who suffer hip pain the remarkable new Birmingham Hip Resurfacing (BHR) technique.